Witchita Stories
The short vignette-style tales in Troy James Weaver’s literary debut, Witchita Stories, combine to make an evocative brew of small town melancholy, working class gloom, and coming of age charm. Told through the eyes of a young man who yearns to find excitement, truth, and a deeper family bond in his life, Weaver’s approachable and revealing stories, lists, fragments, and memories delve into the weird, funny, and sometimes unsettling world of a midwest kid finding his own path.
“Thank god you can come across a writer like Troy James Weaver. In the future people will just say these stories are like Troy James Weaver stories and you’ll know exactly what they mean.”
—Scott McClanahan
Available from Future Tense Books, SPD, Bookshop, and Amazon.
Praise for Witchita Stories
“There are moments, reading Witchita Stories, where everything dropped away, and I was speechless, or at least whatever the equivalent of speechless is when you’re not talking in the first place. There is a deep sadness to these stories, and humor, but most importantly, honesty. This feels real and heavy and it’s just about the best thing I’ve read in a long time.”
— J. David Osborne
- Hitler’s Mustache in Fiction Advocate
- On Pleasure and Shame in Cross-Dressing as a Young Boy in Longreads
- Excerpt in The Nervous Breakdown
- Book Notes in Largehearted Boy
- Review by Gabino Iglesias in Verbicide
- Review by Sam Slaughter in The Small Press Book Review
- Review by Fred Pelzer in Four Culture
- Self-Interview in The Nervous Breakdown